3 Ways To Join:
1) Home Gardeners are residents in the 76104 zip code that grow vegetables
2) Partners provide support to gardeners once a week
3) Advisors share their knowledge of gardening throughout the year.
Are you ready to join the Southside Community Garden?
Sign up today!
Become a Home Gardener
Materials provided at no cost: raised bed, soil, seeds/plants
No experience necessary! Experienced gardeners will provide support through seasons
Keep and eat what you grow
Must have space for a raised bed: 8ft x 4ft
Live in the 76104 zip code of Fort Worth, TX
One year commitment to care for the garden
Open to learning about gardening and food justice
If you are interested in becoming a home gardener, please connect with us here.
Become a Partner
Provide support for home gardeners on site every week
Gardening experience helpful but not necessary!
Help tend to the garden: water, weed, etc
Must have transportation/ability to travel to the 76104 zip code of Fort Worth
One year commitment
Appx 2 hours per week (flexible- schedule will be set in agreement with home gardeners)
Open to learning about gardening and food justice
If you are interested in becoming a garden partner, see Join button below.
Become an Advisor
Previous experience growing vegetables
Share gardening wisdom to help plan home gardens
Troubleshoot issues with plants throughout the year
One year commitment
Flexible: no set hours/ can advise remotely
Open to learning about urban gardening and food justice
Become a Pickup Truck Volunteer
Southside Community Garden needs friends and volunteers with pickup trucks to help haul soil to install raised bed gardens
Must be able to haul 1400 lbs of soil in truck bed
Commitment will be one day at a time, appx 5 continuous hours
Location: Southeast area of Fort Worth
If you are interested in becoming a pickup truck volunteer, please connect with us here.